This life is such a magical and wonderful gift
Each and every one of our lives is a total lottery win; an incredible gift which defies all odds. Think about it, you, me, the other Ninjas, your parents… We are all here because of an incredibly unlikely chain of events! What do I mean? Think about it: think of all the people in the world, in the cities, in other countries. Somehow, your Mom & Dad found each other out of millions and millions of other people and they made YOU. Every month that they were together, they might have made a possible brother or sister, but on a very special day, during a very special month, you were made!
So we beat the odds… Now what do we do? ANYTHING WE WANT!!! The sooner you realize this the better! You are FREE to waste your life, make bad decisions, become something you wish you weren’t, be mean to people… These are all choices! Ninjas–and you–on the other hand choose to be the best that they can be.
Part of being the best version of you is being nice to other people. Loving other people and feeling what they feel. Another part is enjoying the freedom and the power to become your own role model and your own HERO. Think of the person you want to be. Go ahead, grab a pen and paper and write down 5 things (or more) that you think are great personality traits that you want to have. Here, I’ll start:
- Honest
- Brave
- Smart
- Humble
- Compassionate
Now that you have a list, write it down in a journal. Each word means something. Make yourself practice doing at least one thing associated with the word each day. For example, if I am talking to a friend and I get the urge to exaggerate or make a white lie about something, think about it for a second and DON’T! Having thoughts in your private mind is one thing, but acting on your thoughts or sometimes even speaking them is something entirely different.
Practice being the words that you want to be. Becoming a Ninja is about far more than flipping around and doing well on American Ninja Warrior! It’s about becoming a better you. It takes a long long time and constant thinking to make yourself better, just like painting a masterpiece takes a long long time!
Don’t give up, practice daily, and give me a chat or a call and practice with me!
Your friend,
The Ninjadoc
Noah T. Kaufman, MD